

英漢字典: go beyond

pass;exceed 經過;超過;越過

    As the ship went beyond the horizon,it appeared to sink until it could be seen no longer. 當船越過地平線時,看上去就好象在下沉,直至消失。

    All the people present were wild with joy,for the results of the experiment went beyond their expectation. 所有在場的人都高興得發狂,因為實驗結果好得出乎意料。

    That's going beyond a joke. 那樣開玩笑未免太過火了。

    The control of the children is going beyond my power. 要我管住這些孩子實在是無能為力。

    You have gone beyond our orders. 你的做法已經越出了我們的指示範圍。

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